From Student to Teacher

Less than a year after being assigned to working in our county jails, I joined the lieutenant who had invited me to speak at the academy for my first teaching opportunity. Having previous experience as a sign language interpreter, I was able to provide insight into the topic that he did not have. He took the first portion of the course, teaching about how to identify, interact and accommodate someone who was visually impaired.

The time came for him to hand off the subject matter to me. I vividly recall the uneasy feeling I had, but it was short lived. I knew the vast majority of the public did not have an immense amount of personal experience in interacting with someone who is Deaf or hard of hearing; and I had more than enough experience to speak on. I covered the required material, and included personal stories to gain the trust of the students who were sitting in the same classroom I had sat in less than a year prior. After our course, the lieutenant gave me accolades, and told me I had a natural ability to instruct and engage people; and asked that I instruct with him on a regular basis. I gladly accepted the offer, and looked forward to the challenge.

A few months later, we received reviews from the students, critiquing our lecture. As I scanned through the countless papers, I saw nothing but excellent marks, and it was inspiring. I knew that I had something unique to offer, and I wanted to continue making an impact to the extent of my ability.

Over the 16 years I have instructed thus far, and the thousands of recruits that I have met; people still approach me and tell me how memorable my course was. I no longer have a teammate co-presenting with me, but I feel completely at ease when instructing. Just like I have become comfortable as instructing, I had begun to experience that same feeling in my efforts in addressing the needs of people with disabilities when interacting with first responders.

There is much work to be done, and it will require a collaborative effort on all parts for real growth and positive, lasting change. With my personal experience, interest, and overall understanding, I want to be the teacher for those who might not understand the significance of the topic. It has not been an easy road thus far, but that does not mean it hasn’t been worth it. I have seen an impact as a result of my efforts, and I want to help effect that change in other communities as well. I am ready to teach.



